You can't miss the economic value of cow dung


1. Cow dung can be used as fuel: dry cow dung can be used as fuel for cooking tea, which not only solves the problem of cow dung but also provides fuel for people, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.
2. Cow dung can be piled and fermented as fertilizer: cow dung not only takes up space but also stinks, but also can be used as organic fertilizer if it is piled and fermented by organic fertilizer machine.
3. Cow dung can be fermented as a substitute of coal and biogas for power generation: the annual power generation generated by fermentation of cow dung can save about 1.2 million yuan of electricity fee. Cow dung and honeycomb coal are pressed by 4:6 ratio of cow dung and coal to solve the air pollution caused by combustion of honeycomb coal.
4. Cow dung can be used as animal feed: all kinds of nutrients and minerals contained in cow dung can be used as feed after being processed by organic fertilizer granulator.
5. Cow dung can be used as fungus material to plant fungi: the dehydrated and fermented cow dung, cotton shell, corncob, etc. can be used as fungus material for cultivation and cultivation of Agaricus bisporus, mushrooms and other fungi. When there is a large demand for Agaricus bisporus in the local area, a small amount of it can be tried.
6. Cow dung can be used as raw materials for earthworm breeding: earthworm powder is a good additive for feed, and its protein content is higher than that of fish powder. Using earthworm manure as the main raw material to produce a variety of special fertilizers, not only the fertilizer effect is high, but also can inhibit the spread of diseases and pests of which crops, at the same time, it can also improve the soil temperature, water and fertilizer conservation. 

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