What are the advantages and disadvantages of straw organic fertilizer produced by organic fertilizer production line?


Straw organic fertilizer straw produced by organic fertilizer machine can promote the activities of soil microorganisms and improve the comprehensive fertility of soil. Straw organic fertilizer contains cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, protein and other organic matters, as well as all kinds of microelements necessary for crop growth, which is not often suitable for crop absorption.
I. advantages of straw organic fertilizer production line
1. Improve soil and fertility
The organic matter in straw fertilizer can effectively improve the physical and chemical status and biological characteristics of soil, enhance the ability of fertilizer and buffer, and create good soil conditions for the growth of crops.
2. It can improve the utilization rate of fertilizer
Organic fertilizer has many nutrients but low relative content, slow release, high nutrient content, few components and fast release. Organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer promote each other, which is conducive to crop absorption and improve the comprehensive utilization rate of fertilizer.
3. Reduce environmental pollution
There are a lot of bacteria and eggs in the organic waste, if not treated in time, it will spread bacteria, increase the concentration of ammonia, nitrate and soluble organic nitrogen in the underground water, in addition, it will also cause eutrophication of the surface and underground water, resulting in environmental quality deterioration.  II. Disadvantages of straw organic fertilizer production line
1. Vulnerable to harmful organisms
Straw and other organic wastes may contain more pathogens, insect eggs, grass seeds, etc. if they cannot be treated strictly, they will cause crop disease, insect and grass damage after application, and may also spread some pathogenic microorganisms that are harmful to human health through crops.
2. Produce soil nutrient barrier
The high C / N ratio of organic fertilizer, the enhancement of nitrification of soil nitrogen will lead to the accumulation of soil nitrate nitrogen, which may increase the nitrate content of plants; after the application of organic fertilizer to the soil, due to the needs of microbial activities, it will compete with crops for nitrogen, which will cause nitrogen deficiency.
3. Inhibition of plant growth
Untreated organic waste and compost products that are not fully mature may have toxic effects on Seed Germination and seedling growth. If not treated, the growth of crops will be slow. 

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