Fermentation method of straw organic fertilizer


Organic wastes such as crop straw, leaves, weeds, sawdust, distiller's grains and furfural residue are used as raw materials. The length of straw is 1-3cm.

First, the moisture content of raw materials should be controlled at about 70%. If the moisture content of raw materials is less, it should be watered thoroughly with water to ensure proper moisture content. After every 1000 kg of dry basis raw material is wet and poured through with water, it can be mixed with 5 kg of biological bacterial fertilizer fermentation agent + 1% of soybean cake or urea, sprinkled in the raw material, turned over and evenly mixed with a compost windrow turner, and then stacked into a strip pile with width of 2 meters and height of 1 meter, and covered with plastic cloth.

After 24 hours, the temperature in the pile can reach about 50 ℃, and it can rise to about 70 ℃ in 48 hours. After several days of continuous high temperature, the temperature in the pile gradually decreases, about two weeks. After fermentation, all the raw materials are rotted, the eggs, grass seeds and pathogenic bacteria in the raw materials are all killed, the straw becomes brown or black brown, and the pile collapses 1 / 3 or 1 / 2 than that in the first pile. After fermentation, the raw materials are soft and elastic by hand. When they are dry, they are brittle and easy to break. At this time, the fertilizer production process is all completed. Fermented organic fertilizer can be sold directly, or made into commercial organic fertilizer, organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, bio organic fertilizer and so on.

Note: the quality of fermentation is related to the amount of fermentation. If the fermentation is too little, it is not easy to heat up successfully. It is better to stack at least 5 cubic meters at a time, with a height of no less than 80cm, and the ambient temperature above 5 ℃. In winter, we should try to keep warm and ferment.

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