Development trend of organic fertilizer industry


Development prospect of organic fertilizer
Chemical fertilizer has been born for more than 100 years, and its mission has always been to promote crop production and income. However, with the increase of chemical fertilizer production and chemical fertilizer manufacturers year by year, the dependence of grain field on chemical fertilizer is alarming. In particular, excessive application of chemical fertilizer has a negative impact on the soil. In recent years, the favorable policies for the organic fertilizer industry have been continuously issued, and the attention of agricultural enterprises, breeding parks, farmers' professional cooperatives for planting and breeding has also been increasing. The fertilizer production process of organic fertilizer is becoming more and more popular, which can be said to usher in an unprecedented period of development opportunities.  Advantages and characteristics of organic fertilizer
The organic fertilizer production is rich in organic substances and nutrients needed for crop growth. It can not only provide nutrients needed for crop growth, improve soil, but also improve crop quality, increase crop yield, promote high and stable yield of crops, maintain soil fertility, improve fertilizer utilization rate and reduce production cost. Making full use of organic fertilizer can increase crop yield, improve soil fertility, improve the quality of agricultural products, and improve the effectiveness of soil nutrients.

The trend of organic fertilizer industry
Only by combining organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer according to scientific fertilization methods can we produce products with good quality and high output. In any case, it is necessary to use organic fertilizer to repair the soil, and then combine the organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer scientifically and reasonably, so as to achieve good results. Organic fertilizer enterprises should keep on technological innovation, management innovation and quality innovation in order to have their own position in the fierce market competition in the future.

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